Tested Arduino Shields and the used libraries

*// MP3 Player Shield plays mp3s that come from a Micro sd card.

* Excellent library of Bill Porter, which simplifies the code and usage a lot. You should unzip the library and put the two subfolders in your sketchbook Libraries folder. (follow the instructions:-))

* works out of the box with this library

* pay attention to the Baud Rate of the sketch and the Baud Rate of your Serial Monitor window


*// Waveshield plays any uncompressed 22KHz, 12bit, mono Wave (.wav) files of any size from an Sd-card

* It’s a kit you have to solder

* Not all Sd-cards work, it is quite finicky about that

* You need to format the Sd-card first

* There are two libraries you can use

-> AFWave, the old library has possible Sd-card issues. The nice thing about this library is the example that enables you to change the bitrate of the sound (speed it up, or slow it down). I have not seen any examples of this usage with the new Waveshield library. The bolwerk Djette uses this library

-> Wave HC, the library which is still being adapted. The active development part is nice, the coder who made the library is still following. I do find the code in the sketches themselves still quite difficult and muddy, but I’m afraid that has more to do with my coding capacities


*// Waveshield for Arduino Mega (special hack)

* A lot of the times, if you want to use a shield on an Arduino Mega, you need to change certain pin settings (which mostly leads you to cut of certain pins and reconnect them elsewhere on the Mega) Here I got into deeper trouble, my sound was distorted, and I found the solution with help from the physical and the virtual world.

* Pins used and more info at the Arduino shield list


*// Motor shield: with this shield you can easily test motors, give extra power etc

* It’s a kit you have to solder

* Libraries and instructions are here

* This shield got tested in a previous Ellentriek session

* Pins used and more info at the Arduino shield list


*// RedFlyShield is a plug-on module with WiFi/WLAN for Arduino. Download scr.zip from link, unzip and copy the content of /examples/ and /libraries/ to your Arduino folder: /arduino/examples/ and /arduino/libraries/. If there are existing folders from a previous installation,delete them before copying.

* works out of the box with this library, WLANscan scans the available wifi-networks


*// Nanode (not a shield, but web enabled Arduino with ethernet access)

* Tested in the Brussels Hackerspace


— Untested shields

*// Micro sd shield

* You need to install the Fat16 library

* Pins used and more info at the Arduino shield list


*// Lol shield, 133 leds become a screen

* Here’s a tutorial on how to make it and a demo on how to use it:

* To make animations with the Lol shield, Jimmy Rogers put nice .ods spreadsheet on his website

* Pins used and more info at the Arduino shield list


*// GPS Log shield kit

* Pins used and more info at the Arduino shield list


*// Arduino Ethernet Shield


*// WiFly Shield

* Pins used and more info at the Arduino shield list

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