Ellentriek #10

ELLENTRIEK #10 : Ellentriek vs Code, Arts & Crafts

(a little bit) Beyond prototyping
(een kleine stap) Voorbij prototypes
(un petit pas) Au delà du prototypage

An advanced level workshop building Arduino-like constructions. When building a physical computing construction using a microcontroller, you are often confronted with breadboards, loose wires and headerpins.

Furthermore, an Arduino board itself is quite big. In this ‘Ellentriek vs. Code, Arts & Craft’ session, we want to try to go a step further using our expertise and ‘the little grey cells’.

While building and constructing we try to solve following questions:

How to ‘miniaturise’ an Arduino microcontroller?
How to program Arduino pro mini’s, freeduino nano’s, Ardweenies, …?
Which microcontroller suits you best?
How to build your own microcontroller?
How to translate your breadboard trial version to a pcb?
How to make pcb’s with a laserprinter?

On Saturday evening (7pm), Dirk Oosterbosch will give a presentation on Fritzing, a plateform and software for the documentation and sharing of prototypes, and the making of pcb layout for professional manufacturing.

Enrolling is advised through the imal website:


If you have specific questions/needs with regard to your project,
please let us know so we can prepare better.

The workshop will take place on the 6th & 7th of November 2010 from
2.00 pm till 6.00 pm at iMAL, 30-34 Quai des Charbonnages /
Koolmijnenkaai, 1080 Brussel.
This workshop is free & multilingual.

More info on www.pianofabriek.be or www.constantvzw.org or www.imal.org